Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Few Notes...

Hello, my lovelies!

No, no update today (since, you know, the pace is every other day), but I just wanted to say a few administrative things:

1. Thank you so much to people who have been leaving comments here and on the nerdfighter thread. Questions from that thread (and even in the comments!) are what keep this blog going. I used to have a backlog of questions, but I'm running out right now. If you want this blog to continue, please refer people here and/or ask me your own relationship questions. I solemnly swear that I will answer them. Special thanks to Zara and Lissa, because they've constantly commented on my blogs since they started following.

2. Follow me, if you haven't already! I love followers. It proves that people are actually reading :)

3. If my post doesn't quite clarify your question, for any reason, don't be afraid to leave me another question. Question chains also keep the blog going.

4. Also, if I assume something about you (I've tried to avoid that so far--if I need additional information, I WILL message you), please message me. I would hate to give you erroneous advice based on false information.

I love you guys so much! We're almost at 800 hits...that's amazing! I never thought my little blog would be read by so many wonderful people :)

Jump Those Railroads!



  1. I just checked...and you have exactly 800 hits right now! Congratulations!

  2. This question doesn't apply to me at all, but how are guy/guy, guy/girl, and girl/girl relationships mentally/emotionally different from each other? Or are they all mostly the same?

  3. Oh, and what's the name of the Visitor Counter at the bottom of the screen? I'd like one for my blog...


    There you go, elfarmy :) You can also get to it by just clicking on the counter itself.
