Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Question 1: How do I tell a cute nerdy guy I like him without ruining the friendship?

Here's the thing: Telling a guy you like him? Always worth ruining the friendship. Because, after all, if the friendship can be ruined that easily, clearly it wasn't worth it. Also, there are ways to build up to that without anything being awkward! here's the original question I received:

I really like this guy who I'm friends with. I'll call him "Ben". Ben is a great guy in person but he often takes a long time to text me back and he likes partying much more than I do. He's sweet and much nicer than the boys I usually go for. He thinks I'm smart and nice. He touched my hand when we were playing video games and moved close to me on the couch which is when I realized I really liked him (just realized how nerdy that sounds). Anyway so we will be attending the same party this Sunday and I was hoping to tell him that I like him there. We only hang out as part of a group normally. All of my friends have encouraged me to tell him and I was wondering if you have any advice on how to get up the courage and how to say it in a way that won't ruin our friendship if he says no.

Oh my goodness, I LOVE THIS QUESTION SO MUCH! Congratulations on actually having the guts to even CONSIDER this. Most girls are always like "omg, I can't do that, it's so embarrassing!!!!"

Before the party, I would suggest either calling him or talking to him on IM for a long time, over the course of a couple of nights. Calling is good. If you feel uncomfortable, just message him on some IM client (even facebook!) and then be like "Oh, geez, I really want to continue this conversation, but I've been staring at my computer all day and my eyes are starting to you want to just call me? What's you're number?" This will allow you to get more comfortable talking to him, and also get him to know you better. Plus, it minimizes the awkward later when you get him alone.

As for the party, It really depends on what type of party you're going to. If it's the kind with dancing and loud music, I'd recommend chilling with a separate group of people for the first couple of minutes (don't wait too long; you don't want him to start talking to another girl--wait maybe 15 minutes, tops), and then go up to him and ask him to dance. I don't care how awkward or how sexy you dance--dancing is just a good way to get close and whisper in his ear. Start talking about nerdy things (I'm assuming, since you got the tinglies for him while you were gaming, that he's a nerdfighter). Cool things. Gaming things. Be casual. Talk to him the way you would talk to a girl friend, or whatever. Bring up inside jokes from the IM/phone conversations you've been having. He'll be excited, and it'll relax you. Just think: if he's dancing with you, and if he's been talking to you, he probably finds you interesting and sexy. After a while (maybe a couple of songs--enough where you've reached the barrier between glistening sexily, and actually sweating--sweat is gross), ask him if he wants to take a breather outside with you. He'll say "sure," because no guy would stick around that long with out saying "sure," and as soon as you get a nice quiet place outside in the dark, sit down somewhere and say "So, can I just tell you something? I feel really awkward, but I have to get this off my chest."
Wait for his response, and then say, "Well, I really like you."
That's it! I swear!
Now, if it's not a dance party, if it's just one of those casual "chillax and shit" parties, all you have to do is make sure you're chillaxing around him the whole night. Wait for a time when the party gets a little loud, smile at him and say "Hey, do you want to take a little walk outside with me? I sort of want some fresh air." And then repeat the conversation above.

Also, make sure your friends don't blow your cover. Make sure they don't actually say anything that hints about your crush. That gets awkward. BUT, if it DOES happen, don't let it throw you. In fact, use it to your advantage. If one of them starts saying blatant things, just look your boy straight in the eye and be like " to take a walk with me?" Seriously. Best way ever! You don't have to worry about eye contact if you're walking or sitting side by side, and if you're alone, you can commence making out IMMEDIATELY.

I HOPE THIS WORKS! Good Luck! And if you cross any railroads in your car, lift your feet up. It's good luck in love :)