Wednesday, June 16, 2010

a Nerdy Dating Advice Column/Blog? Whaaat?

Once upon a time, there was a girl. This girl had a blog. This girl, surprisingly, was a nerd who gave really good dating advice, because she had, after all, been in tons of relationships with boys. And girls. And actually, a lot of those boys were queer and obviously, a lot of those girls were queer as well.

But not all of them. Because this girl used to think she was straight, and also, there is just a higher percentage of straight boys than queer boys in the world.

Anyways, this girl realized that even if it had been years since she had written in the blog, and in fact, had to delete it because in high school, people kept giving her shit...there were still people she wanted to help. Also, she just liked talking about sex and dating and boys and girls.


Hi. I'm Risk(y)Business. I'll be your resident nerdy love guru. Feel free to comment on my blog and leave me questions dealing with nerdy love, getting the geek, and feeling awesome instead of awkward. I'm generally good for most love, like, and lust questions. I tend to wax long winded at times, but I promise, I'll always answer your questions. Keep in mind that there's a really good chance that I'll publish your question, so please, give me permission to do so.

And remember: If you pass over a railroad in your car, raise your feet. It's good luck in love :)


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