Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nerdy People, and Where to find them.

So recently, it has come to my attention that some people aren't sure where to find other nerds to date. Obviously, if you go to the typical places where you're supposed to meet people (bars, clubs, those awful speed dating things), chances are, most people are on the lookout for a hookup, not a person to date.

HOWEVER, I can honestly say that I've been asked out MORE in "nerdy" places than actual "normal" places.

A List of The Nerdy Places I've been Asked Out

1. The Library: Here's the thing--I've been asked out at the library MULTIPLE TIMES. Actually, I've been asked out at several different libraries. Point being, nerds love books, nerds love other people who love books, ergo, what you have in common will IMMEDIATELY come up, and it's safe and quiet and nobody is really paying attention to you. Actually, when I was working at a library, some guy's mom even asked me out on behalf of her son. I'm so serious. It's ridiculous, really.

2. Chess Club: This is actually where I met my current boyfriend. Chess is great, because most people who play are obviously, a little nerdy, and plus, you get to spend a lot of time just talking to one person. Chess is great for conversation. Also, at a chess club, there are other conversations going around too, and people keep switching up partners, so if you see somebody cute there, you can totally snag their next game, or if you end up having like, the most awkward time ever, you can easily get up, watch the games, then sit down across someone else. Obviously, not recommended to those nerdfighters who don't like chess. HOWEVER, if you DON'T know how to play chess, but would like to learn, this is also a great excuse to meet people you might like (it's a variation of the whole "will you study with me?" ploy. "Will you teach me?")

3. The SATs: I am still surprised by this one. Actually, at the SATs, everyone is nervous and in very close quarters. Obviously, pay attention to what you're doing, but if you get done early, or in between sections, strike up conversations with people near you. The second time I took them, a boy actually asked me out RIGHT AFTER we were dismissed. Most people are so relieved to be through, they'll be incredibly friendly. It's like that part in Harry Potter when Ron and Hermione and Harry become best friends because they've all been attacked by the mountain troll. The SATs are like the mountain troll. It's like instant kinship.

4. Sci-Fi/Fantasy Club: I feel like this is self-explanatory...but, if you go to college, chances are, there's one of these. I mean, my college has a Sci Fi Club, an Anime Club, a Harry Potter Club, and a Shakespeare production company run by students. Surely, there will be people you like? It's a common interest thing.

5. Online Now, I know, there's a stigma to online dating. The thing is, a lot of sites are just fun to look up people to meet (but this is only for people 18 and over; generally, most dating sites don't allow minors to join). I recommend It was developed by MIT! It's nerd friendly! Also, you can totally adjust your preferences, and they have a bunch of cool tests and quizzes (including one that determines if you're a nerd, geek, or dork). Even if you're not into dating, there IS an "interested in pen pals" option as well.

6. Barnes and Nobles: This is a variation on the library thing. Again, pretty self-explanatory. The only difference is, at a college library, you're pretty much assured of their age. In Barnes and Nobles, it can be a little risky. Just use good judgement...if they look like jailbait, don't go there. Or if you absolutely must, please ask their age BEFORE you hookup. I'm not saying that all romance has to be within a certain age limit...I'm just saying, SOME THINGS ARE ILLEGAL.

7. Dunkin' Donuts: Admittedly, not exactly nerdy, but the boys started talking to me AFTER they heard my R2D2 ringtone. Then, we talked about comic books, Star Wars, and other general nerdy things. Unfortunately, they didn't realize my boyfriend was sitting at the next table over, playing a card game. Oops. Anyways, this is a great example of how flaunting your nerdiness can get the attention of other nerds. Whether it's a cool shirt, a ring tone, or a book you're reading, don't be afraid to show off your interests! Other people are always watching!

I hope that helps people :)
Don't forget...hop over those rail roads! It's good luck in love :)


1 comment:

  1. Those all sound like great places to get asked out! The only place it's ever happened to me was last year outside French class. :P
